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'Specs' can't be broken
Title : 'Specs' can't be broken 'Specs' can't be broken
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Source : Advertiser, 10 April 1959, p. 5
Date of creation : 1959
Format : Newspaper
Contributor : State Library catalogue
Catalogue record
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Copyright : This item is reproduced courtesy of Advertiser Newspapers Pty Ltd. It may be printed or saved for research or study. Use for any other purpose requires written permission from Advertiser Newspapers Pty Ltd and the State Library of South Australia. To request approval, complete the Permission to publish form.
Description :

Newspaper report on a demonstration of 'unbreakable' spectacles, manufactured in Adelaide by Laubman and Pank Optometric Company.

Made from a plastic resin which had been used for aircraft parts in the Second World War, the lenses of these spectacles were lightweight and scratch resistant. Laubman and Pank later established a subsidiary company, Scientific Optical Laboratories of Australia (SOLA) now SOLA Optical Australia, to manufacture plastic lenses and other ophthalmic products.

Related names :

Laubman and Pank

Sola International Pty. Ltd.

Coverage year : 1959
Further reading :

Linn, Rob. Breaking the mould: the history of Sola Optical,Adelaide, SA: Historical Consultants Pty Ltd for Sola International, 2000

McPhee, Margaret. The dictionary of Australian inventors and discoveries, St. Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1993

Roscrow, Noel. 'Sola sees the light through a unique lens', Vantage: a definitive view of South Australia, volume 1, number 4, winter 1978, pp. 8-10

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