Kadina & Wallaroo Times |
Title : | Kadina & Wallaroo Times |
Source : | Kadina & Wallaroo Times, 11 October 1911, p. 1 | ||
Date of creation : | 1911 | ||
Format : | Newspaper | ||
Dimensions : | 680 x 515 mm | ||
Catalogue record | |||
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In 1861 copper was discovered on Captain Hughes' station on the northern Yorke Peninsula. This was so rich a find that within four years a population of 8,000 was living and working around the flourishing mines. It was a perfect opportunity for twin brothers David and Andrew Taylor to launch a newspaper at the busy port of Wallaroo. When other far less important districts in the colony, such as Tanunda and Kapunda, can support their local newspapers, it would be a disgrace to Yorke's Peninsula and to South Australia, if in this great mining district ... a newspaper could not be kept up. (1 February 1865, p. 2) And, while the two pre-existing newspapers were published only weekly, while the Taylor brothers' newspaper appeared twice weekly. Geographic coverage The Times was originally published at Wallaroo, but moved to Kadina in 1888. Reporting mostly covered these two towns, but to a lesser degree also Moonta. (Moonta had two newspapers of its own from 1878 - the Yorke's Penisula Advertiser, and People's Weekly.) Like most country newspapers in this period, the Times welcomed and printed 'country reports' from over 30 surrounding small towns and settlements. Of these, the more frequent news reports came from Bews (named after a former newspaper editor, David Bews MP), Snowtown, Paskeville, Greens Plains, Maitland and Ninnes. These were in their heyday from 1881, but this broad 'country' coverage was wound down by the mid 1890s. Politics For most of its life the Times was a conservative newspaper. However, initially the Taylor brothers were quite outspoken. They advocated free trade and Australian independence from Britain. The newspaper held a low opinion of all politicians, to the extent that in 1870 South Australian Parliament debated the newspaper's 'contempt of this House.' (18 June 1870, p. 3-4) The unpopular MP and newspaper owner, Ebenezer Ward, apparently charged the newspaper with libel three times. (22 March 1873, p. 2) However the outspokenness of the Times in the 1860s and 1870s ceased from this time, particularly from 1878 under the editorship of David Bews, who himself stood for Parliament. From its inception the newspaper gave strong support to a scheme for providing the district with water from Beetaloo, and later declared it fought, 'single-handed' for the scheme. (13 February 1907, p. 2) There were years of lobbying before Parliament made the funds available in 1886, but problems continued until 1891 and later. (11 February 1891, p. 2) Not a particularly strong supporter of the working man, the second issue of the newspaper expressed disagreement with the strike by workers at the Wallaroo smelters over the treatment of their wives by manager, Captain Jones and the threat to have ore smelted at Newcastle. (4 February 1865, p. 2) During the famous 'Great Strike' of 1874, the Times was actively criticised by the miners for its perceived lack of support, and in particular an editorial in the issue of 11 April, which suggested the pumping operators should have remained at work to prevent damage through flooding of the shafts. (18 April 1874, p. 3) At a miners meeting afterwards, "Great outcries came from all parts of the ring against the presence of the representative of this journal being tolerated." (29 April 1874, p. 3) The Times actively advocated conservative political interests from the 1890s, and did not support Premier Kingston and the emerging Labor Party. But interestingly, in reference to an 1898 lecture at Wallaroo by the Rev CH Young on the subject of socialism, the Times said, "The subject being a popular one secured a good attendance." (28 September 1898, p. 2) The main political thrust of the Times, however, was in support of farming interests, and by the early twentieth century the newspaper was a vocal supporter of the infant Liberal Union. This brought disfavour from Labor MP, John Verran, who in Parliament called the newspaper a 'rag', and its editor, the Rev RJ Rose, 'a broken-down parson.' (8 July 1911, p. 2) Mining The district was of course famous for its copper mines, and the Taylors originally thought of calling their new newspaper the 'Miner and Moonta Guardian.' Early years of the Times gave detailed mining reports. World fluctuations in the value of copper caused periods of unemployment, 400 miners were laid off work in 1885 while the remaining 2,000 had their wages reduced. (4 February 1885, p. 2) This was at the time of a Russian invasion scare, and 100 of the local unemployed travelled to Adelaide to work on the building of the Military Road to the new fort at Largs Bay. (25 April 1885, p. 2) One of the earliest uses of large type for headline news in the Times was seen in reporting of the ending of a five-month miners strike during 1891-1892. (3 February 1892, p. 2) The final closure of the mines in 1923, due to a world fall in the value of copper, was regretted for decades afterwards, often being referred to in letters and articles in the press. During the Great Depression, when Kadina workers had the lowest basic wage of any South Australian town, (28 October 1931, p. 2) a syndicate using a Federal Government unemployment grant re-opened the mine. (10 February 1932, p. 2) Government aid kept it open at least until 1938, with just 50 workers, a fraction of the employees of the nineteenth century. (24 August 1938, p. 3) Sport Cricket was obviously very popular on the Peninsula. The formation of cricket clubs in the three towns is reported in an early issue. (30 September 1865, p. 4) There was much excitement when a local committee was successful in a request for world-famous cricketer, WG Grace, and his English Eleven to play at Kadina during their 1874 Australian tour - for a fee of 800 pounds. The Grace's team played against a combined local team captained by Julius Ey. (28 March 1874, p.2, 3) After an unfortunately poor performance by the locals, there was some annoyance that Grace cut the visit short and returned to Adelaide one day early. An interesting 1886 match was 'Smokers v Non-Smokers' - the Smokers won by a good margin. (7 April 1886, p. 2) Moses Champion wrote a series of articles describing the history of cricket 'in and around Kadina' for the Times between December 1931 and January 1932. Football seems to have become popular later, with reports appearing from 1870 in the Times. As with cricket, the large population of the three towns enabled the formation of numerous teams, with at least two football teams in each town, as well as junior teams. Traditional Cornish wrestling was well covered in the Times. An advertisement referred to a Christmas Day match played, 'both in the Irish and Cornish styles.' (21 December 1867, p. 1) After a lapse, wrestling was revived in 1885 with six weeks of competitions, (29 April 1885, p. 3) and matches by visiting champions took place well into the twentieth century. Horse racing was also very popular, particularly from the mid 1880s. After the First World War the popularity of horse racing increased, and the Times published reports of races from all over the state. (The Kadina trotting track was laid in the 1930s.) Pigeon matches were covered in early issues, and the 1870s also saw rifle clubs formed in the three towns. A chess club was in existence at Kadina in 1885, (3 October 1885, p. 2) with its own column in 1886. Later, draughts clubs were also formed. In 1887 Mr W. Richardson opened his 'Jubilee skating rink' at Wallaroo. (26 December 1888, p. 4) In 1890 a Wallaroo baseball club was formed. (23 April 1890, p. 2) Bowls and quoits became popular around the time of the First World War. In 1958 darts was popular enough to have its own column. In 1965 a 'championship' golf course was completed at Kadina. The bicycle craze arrived locally in 1896, with a 'Cycling Notes' column from 1897. The report of local celebrations for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in 1897 noted that bicycle traffic was 'predominating'. (23 June 1897, p. 2) Also in that year, the Amalgamated Friendly Societies' Sports at Wallaroo included several bicycle races - and even a billy-goat cart race. (28 July 1897, p. 3) A bicycle track had been made by the time the Wallaroo Cycling Club was formed in November. (27 November 1897, p. 2) The Kadina Cycling Club was still operating in the 1950s. Combined sports events included a grand 'Mid-Winter Sports' in 1889 attracting 4,000 people. Unusual prizes included a pair of boots, a live pig, a half bag of flour, lady's bonnet, case of wine, and a photographic sitting. (26 June 1889, p. 2) For many years a New Year's regatta was held at Wallaroo, and a rowing club was formed in 1911. (11 November 1911, p. 2) The attitude of the Times to sport was sometimes mixed. In 1931 a team of local women played cricket against an Adelaide team at Wallaroo. This was during the Great Depression, and the Times wrote that, 'unemployment and general trade stagnation has been off-set by little else than sport.' (19 July 1930, p. 2) The editor felt that attention given to sport would be better channeled into 'work and thrift.' (18 May 1932, p. 2) Like most country newspapers, sport however, formed a major part of the Times' content up until its closure. Religion The people of the Copper Triangle were reputedly strongly religious. A Sunday School fete at Moonta in 1865 was attanded by 600. (26 April 1865, p 2) A number of travelling revivalists visietd the area, the esarliest was the American 'California' Taylor in 1865. One thousand were present to hear him at the mission opening service in the Moonta Mines Wesleyan Church. (2 December 1865, p. 2) In 1878 a correspondent spoke of the 'so-called religious awakening here'. (4 September 1878, p. 3) But a meeting at Maitland in 1883 to discuss 'church union' was described by a correspondent as 'a farce.' (15 September 1883, p. 2) Much vocal support was given to the Moravian missionaries on route to Coopers Creek, particularly for the work of Pastor J. Kuhn with the Aboriginal people of Point Pearce. (30 June 1866, p.2, 10 October 1868, p. 3) Reference was made in 1895 to the Wesleyan Methodists of Kadina criticising the Lieutenant-Governor (Sir Samuel Way) for attending theatrical performances. (28 September 1895, p. 3) In May 1897 'BJS' wrote to the Times about the scandalous behaviour at local dances. (5 May 1897, p. 2). 'BJW' - who seems to have been the dance hall proprietor - wrote in reply, and letters then went back and forth for weeks. Roman Catholic doings are often commented on in the early years, with complimentary reports of the school run by the Josephite nuns. (25 March 1874, p. 3; 6 May 1882, p. 2) For a time from 1883 articles from the Catholic Monthly were quoted or reprinted in the Times. The advent of the Salvation Army in the district, as in other parts of the state, caused quite a furore. 'Judging from the noise, if strong lungs and earnestness in their work are recomendations they should succeed admirably.' (2 May 1883, p. 2) A series of letters and articles in May and June 1883 discussed and criticised the Army. In 1898 a series of letters by JH Woods described the beliefs of the Seventh Day Adventists who were then holding tent meetings at Kadina. (23 March 1898, p. 2, etc.) Travelling evangelists seemed to make a point of visiting the Yorke Peninsula towns. The Rev. WL Toshach, 'the Presbyterian evangelist' ran a mission at Wallaroo in 1899. (21 October 1899, p. 2) In 1915 the Times thought the Fletcher evangelistic mission was bringing another 'religious revival.' (23 June 1916, p. 2) In 1944 the local Ministers' Fraternal (not including the Anglican or Roman Catholic ministers) lodged a protest at Wallaroo Council's decision to increase the town's war-time beer quota. (14 January 1944, p. 2) In 1946 'the Sydney Preacher,' Philip Duncan, preached for four nights at Wallaroo. while the local Salvation Army held a 'Self Denial Fair' at Jericho. (30 August 1946, p. 2) In a different vein, in 1955 and 1957 'Van Loewe the master hypnotist' visited Kadina. (2 June 1955, p. 1) In 1956 Lee Saxon offered free hypnotic treatment 'for all nervous disorders' after a programme of 'three hours of non stop screaming laughter.' (23 February 1956, p. 2) In 1968 Leighton Ford held a 'crusade' in the district. (15 February 1968, p. 6) In the early 1930s A. Trenberth contributed a religious column to the Times, and E. Lademan wrote a rather dry 'Thought for the week.' From 1935 a weekly thought was provided in Philo's chatty column, and was generally a religious comment. In the late 1930s a 'Church news' column was established, as well as an occasional 'From local pulpits' column. In 1942 'Spiritual cheer by the Rouseabout' was introduced. After the Second World War there was much less religious reporting and comment in the newspaper. Agriculture Various agricultural and farmers' associations were in existence from the 1870s, but from the mid 1890s articles relating to agricultural interests and politics steadily increased. Federation, the Times felt, would be a good thing for the local farmers, Since the Canadian provinces have Federated the export trade of the Dominion has increased by leaps and bounds. The same results can, and will be attained by a Federated Australia. (18 May 1898, p. 2) The infant Farmers' Union received strong support from the newspaper. (28 September 1898, p. 2) In 1899 the Times listed those politicians judged to be supportive of farming interests to assist rural voters. (21 October 1899, p. 2) By 1909 branches of the Farmers' and Producers' Political Union had been formed at Wallaroo and Paskeville. This organisation merged with the Australasian National League in 1910, when local bodies became branches of the newly formed Liberal Union. (12 November 1910, p. 2) Times editor, RJ Rose, was district secretary of the Wallaroo branch. In 1912 a 'Farmers' and Producers' Defence Association' was formed for, 'conserving the mutual interests of farmers and producers.' (24 April 1912, p. 2) The final collapse of copper mining industry in 1923 forced the local communities to turn more to other industries including agriculture. In 1947 there was much disappointment that a government-sponsored grain distillery did not go ahead at Wallaroo, and in 1952 the editor expressed angry at the 'side-stepping' of Wallaroo on two counts - the instigation of grain shipping from Ardrossan, and a new superphosphate plant being built at Port Adelaide. (28 August 1952, p. 2) Again, in 1962, Mayor Allan was supported in stating that Wallaroo should have been the site of Adelaide's power-generating station, rather than Torrens Island. (18 October 1962, p. 9) Following the Second World War the newspaper printed an increased number of articles and advertisements relating to agriculture, including reports of the wool and wheat boards, and items from the Department of Agriculture. Welsh Interestingly, early issues of the newspaper occasionally contained articles in the Welsh language. (19 July 1865, p. 3, and 16 October 1867, p. 3) A court case in 1867 referred to the defendant swearing at the plaintiff in Welsh. (21 December 1867, p. 5) Welsh poetry was also published on at least one occasion. (16 October 1867, p. 3) Cornish The Kadina and Wallaroo Times did not contain as many direct references to the language andcustoms of the predominantly Cornish section of the local population as its shorter-lived rivals, the Plain Dealer, and the Yorke's Penisula Advertiser. However, occasional references occur to Cornish wrestling, and the celebration in June which marked mid-summer in Cornwall. In Australia's Little Cornwall this was translated as 'mid-winter day,' and in 1889 a huge sports carnival and baby competition was held. (26 June 1889, p. 2) In 1890 the Times reported that the local custom of a holiday for the event was observed in the three towns, with bonfires being lit and crackers set off. (25 June 1890, p. 2) Although this eventually died out, the state centenary in 1936 was marked with the old Cornish custom of June bonfires. (27 June 1936, p. 2) Hanging of Elizabeth Woolcock Unfortunately the issue covering the initial arrest of Elizabeth Woolcock (on charges of poisoning her husband) is missing from the State Library collection. (6 September 1873) However, a summary of the final court case appears in December 1873. (6 December 1873, p. 2) A description of the execution was also published, with a transcript of Elizabeth's written confession to the Rev. James Bickford, because, 'rumours are so numerous and so various, and all either exaggerated or incorrect.' (3 January 1874, p. 3) This was the only execution of a woman in South Australian history. Entertainments and Royal and State visits Despite its distance from Adelaide, many entertainers, travelling medical men, circuses and so on, visited the district. In 1878 Raphael's Melbourne theatre troupe performed Gilbert and Sullivan's 'HMS Pinafore' at Kadina, (6 August 1881, p. 2) - 1886 the Wallaroo Amateurs staged their own version of the operetta. (5 May 1886, p. 2) This was followed a year later by 'The Pirates of Penzance.' The Times predicted, "... apart from their excellence as a company the Pirates of Penzance should secure good attendances where there are so many Cornishmen." (19 October 1887, p. 2) Circuses such as Coles' were regular visitors. (22 January 1881, p. 2) Although there were many local bands and music groups, including the Moonta Philharmonic Society, (29 December 1886, p. 2) these did not receive as much coverage in the Times as they did in its competitor, the Plain Dealer. On 14 June 1881 'the young princes' - Prince Albert Victor and Prince George, grandsons of Queen Victoria - paid a one day visit to the Peninsula, touring the mines with Captain Hancock dressed in 'bal' (miners) dress. (15 June 1881, p. 2) On the eve of the Second World War there was much excitement at the visit of HMAS Sydney to Wallaroo. (22 March 1939, p. 2) In 1943 Prime Minister John Curtin visited Kadina on the eve of a Federal election. (20 August 1943, p. 2) Professor Walker, the 'celebrated Canadian herbalist' visited in 1897, and spent a year living and consulting in Moonta. (14 July 1897, p. 4) Technological advances & local products In 1878 the Times announced that the Moonta Mining Company had imported telephones for use in the mines. (6 February 1878, p. 2) In 1883 'pillar post offices' appeared in Kadina streets. But, 'this boon ... is a rather questionable one.' (25 April 1883, p. 2) In 1891 the 'wonderful invention' of the phonograph was demonstrated in the Kadina Town Hall, and performances by local tin whistle player A. Thomas and the Quintrell family singers were recorded on wax cylinders. Possibly one of the earliest country film screenings in the state took place in Moonta, Kadina and Wallaroo in 1898, when former actor and theatre proprietor, Wybert Reeve, brought his 'Cinematigraphe-Lumiere living pictures' to the district, promising "35 magnificent pictures every night." The short films included the Melbourne Cup, royal pageants, comic scenes, and ocean scenes. (11 May 1898, p. 3) In 1909 West's Pictures began touring country areas including the Yorke Peninsula with their silent films. A year later they set up cinemas in Kadina and Wallaroo, as did Olympia and Lyceum pictures. 'Talking' pictures arrived in 1931. (28 February 1931, p. 2) In 1959 Russack's electrical shop began selling televisions. The horse began to give way to mechanised travel in 1904 when W. Jackson advertised that his bicycle shop now had Sphinx Brown motor cycles for sale. A year later he was also selling Humber motor cars. There was discussion about running a motor bus service for workers between Kadina and the mines in 1904. (22 May 1904, p. 2) By 1907 the Jacksons' bicycle works had become a motor garage. (13 November 1907, p. 3) This also began a new era in law enforcement, when Henry Lloyd was charged with riding a motor cycle in Kadina at 15 mph and without a licence, in 1913. (20 August 1913, p. 2) Moonta chemist, HWW Guest, from 1884 advertised 'Guest's glycerine cough linctus'. Unlike other country chemists who developed their own medications, Guest's advertisements included testimonials from well-known South Australians including the travelling preacher Matthew Burnett (27 August 1884, p. 4), and the Anglican minister, Dean Alexander Russell. (20 May 1885, p. 5) From the late 1880s Mrs O'Connor, a local soap and candle maker, advertised her 'Electric soap'. (19 January 1889, p. 1) In the 1890s advertisements for 'Moore's surprise soap', a product of Moore and Co. of Wallaroo, appear. (5 March 1898, p. 4) Interestingly, the testimonials of local people occasionally appear in advertisments for famous patent medicines, with 'Doan's Backache Kidney Pills' being endorsed by both Wallaroo butcher William McKee (17 April 1901, p. 2) and Mrs W. McLean. (14 January 1903, p. 3) From the early years of the 20th century advertisements for 'Wallaroo Super' (superphosphate) appear in the newspaper. Women The women of the copper triangle were reputedly as outspoken as the men during early miners' disputes. So perhaps not surprisingly, the Times supported women being given the right to vote. (25 July 1885, p. 2) By 1889 there were women's suffrage leagues at Wallaroo and Kadina. Both Andrew Taylor's wife and second wife were office holders in the two branches. (19 January 1889, p. 2) By 1912 women's branches of the Liberal Union existed on the Peninsula. (4 September 1912, p. 2) Funeral and family notices An apparently unique feature of the Kadina and Wallaroo Times was its early funeral notices. These were placed in the newspaper by local undertakers as early as 1865. (29 April 1865, p. 2) From 1927 return thanks, birth and death notices appear in the newspaper. Again, this is unusual for a country newspaper in this period. The many deaths in mining accidents are reported in detail. War The first major conflict which included South Australian participation was the South African or Boer War (1899-1902). Many Cornish miners had settled in South Africa, giving the Yorke Peninsula people a particular interest in the war. Letters from local men serving in the army, such as Sterling Nobes, were reprinted (10 October 1900, p. 3; 18 February 1901, p. 2 and 2 July 1902, p. 2) and a serial story set in South Africa, 'For Freedom and the Flag', appeared in the newspaper. In 1901 thirty local men applied for selection to the Sixth Contingent, with 15 being selected. (13 March 1901, p. 2 and 16 March 1901, p. 2) There followed more letters, including letters from Thomas Mercer (17 April 1901, p. 2) and Harold Hancock (6 July 1901, p. 4). The death of Corporal Fred White of Kadina was recorded. (2 April 1902, p. 2) Peace demonstrations in the three towns were reported in detail in June 1902. (28 June 1902, p. 2) Sterling Nobes, like many Australian soldiers, decided to stay on in South Africa after the war. (23 November 1904, p. 2) Interestingly, the Times used the term 'world war' as early as 1914. (9 September 1914, p. 2) The newspaper discussed the war from many angles, both during and after the conflict. Discussing the likely loss of life in 1914, the Times wrote, 'But whatever we may lose in population will be made up by the fillip and incentive that trade will receive in Australia ...' (12 September 1914, p. 2) Anzac was described in a vein which has been repeated ever since, as Australia's 'baptism'. (5 May 1915, p. 2) From 1915 the effects of the War were felt more at a local level, both as copper boomed, and the numbers of local men enlisting increased. Letters from the men began to appear in 1916. The Times supported compulsory military service, with editorials on this topic in 1907 and 1908. (12 October 1907, p. 2 and 25 January 1908, p. 2) But unlike most country newspapers, including their competitor, the Plain Dealer, the Times largely avoided discussing the contentious issue of Conscription during the First World War. Signed editorials by TA Berndt (editor of the Times during this period) simply urged each voter to follow their conscience in the referendum. (28 October 1916, p. 2) In 1918 when peace was declared, the town went mad with rejoicing, with crowds parading the streets while the band played in the Kadina rotunda until midnight. (13 November 1918, p. 2) After the War, the area was affected by the world-wide Spanish Influenza ('Black Flu') epidemic, when the Wallaroo School was turned into a hospital. (21 May 1919, p. 2) Unemployed Wallaroo miners, in a pipe-laying camp at Gilles Plains contracted the dreaded sickness. There were almost 60 cases in the town itself. (24 May 1919, p. 2) From 1932 Times editorials discussed the situation in Germany, and the activities of Hitler. (8 June 1932, p. 2) Interestingly, the newspaper now questioned the purpose of the First World War, under such headings as, 'The missing generation, why did it die?' (17 August 1932, p. 1) A world that went crazy in 1914 and which continued in the same foolish fashion after the conclusion of the Great Crime, is now facing the consequences of its folly, and is forced 'to pay the piper.' (19 April 1933, p. 2) In 1933 the Times had a changed attitude towards Hitler, quoting a letter from 'an Australian girl' claiming that stories of the treatment of Jews in Germany were untrue. (7 June 1933, p. 1) In 1938 Japan was spoken of as 'the bully of the east.' (12 January 1938, p. 2) In early 1939 preparations were clearly being made for war, and a spirited farewell was given to local recruits leaving for Woodside Army Camp. (18 March 1939, p. 2) There was much excitement when HMAS Sydney visited Wallaroo in the same month. (22 March 1939, p. 2) During the Second World War much of the content of the Times was related to the hostilities, and to local servicemen and women, as well as the war effort at home. Official intelligence photographs appeared in the newspaper regularly and the 'Digger Doings' column described local enlistments and send-offs. By February 1942 lists of local recruits included 140 Kadina residents and 110 from Wallaroo. (25 February 1942, p. 3) Branches of the Country Women's Association, Red Cross and Schools' Patriotic Fund, worked to raise money and support the forces. Food parcels were sent regularly to the Adelaide Cheer-Up Hut. From 1943 advertisements in the Times urged individuals to buy 'Liberty Loans.' Photographs of the Battle of Britain were exhibited at Wallaroo in early 1942, at the same time that black out regulations were introduced. (24 January 1942, p. 2) Hostilities came very close when a Kadina man, Hurtle Bald, with his wife and daughter, were killed in the bombing of Darwin. (21 February 1942, p. 2) In February 1942, due to paper shortages, the Times reluctantly went from twice weekly to weekly for the first time in its history. This was to become a permanent arrangement. Music Music was traditionally dear to the Welsh and Cornish miners, who made up a large proportion of the original population of the three towns. There were numerous bands and choirs including the award-winning Kadina Mendelssohn Choir. (23 October 1912, p. 2) This was led by Joseph Glasson senior, the local 'veteran composer.' (13 August 1921, p. 2) However the Times does not give as much coverage to local musicians as does its competitor, the Plain Dealer. Photographs Photographs of local interest were rare throughout the life of the newspaper. The first photographs appeared in advertisements for acetylene lights from the Adelaide firm of Fearn and Goss in 1900. (12 December 1900, p. 4) In 1912 a dark photograph was used in the advertisement for Rosewarne's Kadina Implement Factory. (22 June 1912, p. 1) A photograph of the Kadina High School was printed in a prospectus-type article for the new school in 1924. (11 June 1924, p. 4) From 1926 occasional photographs appear in the Times, depicting Adelaide events, election candidates, or as illustrations to travel articles. From 1948 to 1950 many photographs were published by long-time local photographer, Henry Pell, and from 1952 the photographs of William Atkins also appear. The centenary celebrations in 1961 attracted big crowds to the three towns, and photographs were published in the Times. Philo's Column and other historical contributors Philo (Fred Bottrill) began writing a column for the Times in 1932. Possibly modelled on the Advertiser's 'Vox' column, this contained chatty snippets about current and former residents, and obituaries. The column was obviously popular and continued until Bottrill's death in 1960. (10 November 1960, p. 1) In the 1930s a number of historical series were published, leading up to the centenary of European settlement in South Australia in 1936. From June 1931 until his death in 1935, AG Macdonald contributed detailed stories of his adventures as a police trooper with Paul Foelsche and others in the north of Australia from the 1870s. The composer Joseph Glasson wrote about his life in five articles in August 1933. In September 1933 PD Vidal and Moses Champion wrote about the early history of Cunliffe. 'Champion' had written about the history of local cricket from December 1931 to January 1932. Between June and August 1933 a series of articles gave detailed histories of several local business people. 'Black Grass' wrote about the early days of Kulpara in June 1937. In 1949, a column titled 'Social and Personal by Annette' began, which continued until the early 1960s. Ownership The newspaper was established by brothers David and Andrew Fyfe Taylor, and George Thompson Clarkson. The Taylors had worked in newspaper firms in Edinburgh and New Zealand before arriving in Wallaroo in 1865. In 1868 Clarkson left the business. From 1878 to 1880, David Bews, whose wife was a sister to the Taylors - and whose own sister was the first wife of David Taylor - was listed as a member of the firm. From this time until his death in 1891, Bews was editor of the newspaper. In 1877 the Taylor brothers established a newspaper at Gladstone, the Areas Express. Less than two months after David Bews' death, Andrew Taylor also died. From this time David Taylor ran the newspaper largely on his own. From March 1893 until January 1895 he was joined by Edward John Clark. In 1901 David Taylor sold the firm to his sister-in-law, Clara Furner-Taylor, although he continued to manage the newspaper. (16 March 1901, p. 3) David Taylor died in 1907. In 1910 Clara Furner-Taylor sold the business to her step-son, William Francis Taylor, and James Henry Pengelley. Pengelley had worked for the Taylors since he was 12 years old, in the 1870s. (18 July 1963, p. 1) When he died in 1935, his son Fred Pengelley took over from him, becoming sole proprietor when WF Taylor died in 1945. In 1963 Pengelley sold the newspaper to CJG and TF Ellis of the Moonta People's weekly. (18 July 1963, p. 1 and 8 August 1963, p. 4) The People's Weekly ceased in 1966 and in 1968 the Times was merged with the Eliis' other newspaper, South Australian Farmer, to form a new newspaper, the Yorke Peninsula Country Times. (29 August 1968, p. 1) |
Subjects | |
Related names : | Atkins, William Bews, David, 1850-1891 Bottrill, Fred, d. 1960 Champion, Moses Clark, Edward John Clarkson, George Thompson Ellis, CJG Ellis, T. Furner-Taylor, Clara Glasson, Joseph Kuhn, Julius Macdonald, AG Pell, Henry Pengelley, Fred Pengelley, James Henry Taylor, Andrew Fyfe, 1839-1891 Taylor, David, 1839-1907 Taylor, William Francis Vidal, PD Woolcock, Elizabeth Lillian, 1848-1873 Plain dealer (Kadina, S. Aust.) Peoples weekly (Moonta, S. Aust.) South Australian farmer (Moonta, S. Aust.) Yorkes Peninsula country times (Moonta, S. Aust.) |
Coverage year : | 1911 |
Place : | Kadina (S. Aust.) |
Region : | Yorke Peninsula |
Further reading : | 'Death of Mr David Taylor: a useful career,' Kadina and Wallaroo times, 13 February 1907, p. 2 'Death of Mrs Furner-Taylor,' Yorke's Peninsula advertiser, 2 July 1915, p. 2 'More newspapers,' Gawler times and goldfields reporter, 13 September 1872, p. 3 'The late Mr Taylor,' Kadina and Wallaroo times, 18 April 1891, p. 2 |