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01. Two natives on murder charge, finding of mummified body in bush
Title : 01. Two natives on murder charge, finding of mummified body in bush 01. Two natives on murder charge, finding of mummified body in bush


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Source : The Advertiser, 12 February 1935, p. 11, col. g
Date of creation : 1935
Format : Newspaper
Catalogue record
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Description :

Newspaper article reporting on the trial of two Aboriginal men, Numberlin and Nangee, arrested on a charge of murdering their tribesman, Kai-Umen, in Central Australia. The article also reports on the shooting of an escaped Aborignal prisoner, Yokununna, by the arresting officer, Mounted-Constable William McKinnon of the Northern Territory police.

These events and the subsequent trial of the accused Aboriginal men led to the 1935 'Commonwealth Board of Enquiry into the alleged ill-treatment of Aborigines near Ayers Rock', on which Charles Mountford acted as secretary.
Related names :


Commonwealth Board of Enquiry into the alleged ill-treatment of Aborigines near Ayers Rock, (1935)

McKinnon, Bill (William)

Coverage year : 1935
Period : 1927-1939
Place : Alice Springs
Region : Northern Territory
Further reading :

'Board of Inquiry into shooting of Aborigines at Ayers Rock by Constable W. McKinnon, Evidence, 1935', Mountford-Sheard Collection, PRG 1218/5/2

Lamshed, Max, 'Monty' : the biography of C.P. Mountford, [Adelaide] : Rigby, 1972

Warden, James. 'T.G.H. Strehlow and the 1935 Board of Inquiry into the alleged ill-treatment of Aborigines' in Traditions in the midst of change : communities, cultures and the Strehlow legacy in Central Australia : proceedings of the Strehlow Conference, Alice Springs 18-20 September 2002, Alice Springs, N.T. : Strehlow Research Centre, 2004, pp. 89-100



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