From the ground up: heritage
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Listing for term 'hotels & taverns'
Suburban bars crowded for start of late closing |
Southern Cross Hotel: architectural drawing |
King's Head Hotel |
Edinburgh Castle Hotel, Currie Street |
Six o'clock closing: the first night: lively stree |
A "Suitcase Parade" of women opposed to changes to |
Elephant and Castle Hotel, West Terrace |
Bristol Tavern, Franklin Street |
Southern Cross Hotel, Adelaide |
West Terrace : Elephant and Castle Hotel |
West Terrace : Elephant and Castle Hotel |
Suburban bars crowded for start of late closing |
Earl of Leicester Hotel : [plan] |
Design for rebuilding the Britannia Hotel corner o |
Oakbank Brewery |
Working drawings Ramsgate Hotel Henley Beach |
Proposed rebuilding of the Stag Inn at corner of R |
Design for proposed additions and alterations to t |
Design for proposed new Bath Hotel, the Parade, No |
The Old Spot |
S.A. Northern Pioneers: C. Faulkner |
Royal Hotel : Port Augusta : [business card] |
Main street of Gumeracha |
J. & A.G. Johnston beer labels |
Elephant and Castle Hotel, West Terrace |
Gold Diggers Arms, Norwood |
Boating at Port Vincent |
The main street at Port Vincent |
Wauraltee Hotel, Port Victoria |
Steamship Juno at wharf |
Rising Sun Hotel |
Rooney's Paskeville Hotel. |
Design for proposed new Bath Hotel, the Parade, No |
Minlaton Hotel |
Thousands flock to 'Corner for open day |
Goolwa Hotel |
Renmark Hotel |
Hotel Renmark |
Floods at Mannum |
Criterion Hotel, Paringa |
Temperance Hotel, Renmark |
Renmark Hotel |
Renmark Hotel |
Mannum's main street |
Mitchell's Tailem Bend Hotel |
Tailem Bend Hotel |
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