Replacing Catch 22, published from 1983 to 1989, The GALAH was first published by the Adelaide Directory Collective in May 1989 and for the first two issues included the additional title 'The Gay and Lesbian Australian Herald'. This changed from issue three to 'For the Gay and Lesbian Australian'.
Although its focus was primarily Adelaide news and events GALAH did report a significant amount of interstate and international news.
The first issue of GALAH included Adelaide and Melbourne Directories and an advertised distribution through 32 Adelaide and 27 Melbourne venues. By Issue 10 (February 1990) GALAH was claiming a distribution of 12,000 copies in every Australian capital city and Alice Springs.
Significant themes covered in 1989 and 1990 issues include articles and photographs of GLBT community celebrations and anniversaries, responses to HIV and AIDS, reports of homophobia, homophobic violence and community responses, and interviews with GLBT identities.
Rodney Ellis was the author of most of the editorial comment, titled "Not the editorial".
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