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NOTE: THIS LIST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. If you would like to submit details of a South Australian journalist, please email us.
Cahill, Jim. Journalist at the Stock Journal in the 1960s.
Calder, James junior (died 1893). Journalist at the Register in the 1880s. Son of WC Calder of the Register.
Calder, William Cormack (1825-1905). Printer and journalist at the Register 1858 to 1904. Overseer of the Evening Journal. (PRG 223; Register minutes 20 December 1889; Register 1 November 1905, p. 7; Advertiser 1 November 1905, p. 6.)
Calder, William Cormack jr. Journalist at the Register 1890s. Son of WC Calder.
Caldwell, Archibald (1855-1941). As a boy worked at the Border Watch, Mount Gambier and was sent to Naracoorte in 1875 to establish the Naracoorte Herald with JB Mather of the Advertiser. Caldwell was first editor until Mather and Ash purchased the Herald outright from the Watson family and Caldwell left the newspaper. In 1889 he returned and purchased the newspaper from Mather and Ash. Archibald Caldwell retained ownership until his death in 1941 when ownership passed to his brother, journalist Dugald Caldwell. (Critic 14 May 1898, p. 12; Naracoorte Herald, 5 January 1948, p. 7.)
Caldwell, Dugald McEachern (1869-1948). Journalist. Brother to Archibald Caldwell, proprietor of the Naracoorte Herald. Dugald Caldwell worked at his brother's newspaper in the commercial department, and as a journalist, and took over the newspaper when Archibald Caldwell died in 1941, which he sold in 1948. (Naracoorte Herald, 9 August 1948, p. 1.)
Callander, Frank Colin (1899-1953). Journalist at the News from 1934 until his death, apart from war service in the navy. (Advertiser, 31 October 1953, p. 3; News, 30 October 1953, p. 5.)
Campbell, Donald (1866-1945). Engineer, newspaper proprietor and editor, lawyer, politician. In 1894 was persuaded by his brother Roland Campbell to take over his newspaper, the Millicent Times. Contributor to the Sydney Bulletin in this period also. His pro-Boer and pro-Labor opinions caused controversy in Millicent and in 1905 he left that newspaper. After a time doing other work, he was persuaded to stand for Parliament and was elected to the House of Assembly. He also studied law at Adelaide University. He spent the period of the First World War in England, then returned to South Australia and purchased the Border Chronicle newspaper at Bordertown and practised law on the side. In 1919 his wife Florence was the registered owner of the newspaper. He sold the newspaper in about 1924 and practised law in Adelaide until his retirement. (South Eastern Times, 26 October 1945, p. 4.)
Campbell, Duncan. Journalist at the Border Watch pre 1953.
Campbell, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Young.
Campbell, Florence (nee Carne). Teacher, newspaper proprietor. Wife of Donald Campbell of the Millicent Times (1894) and later the Border Chronicle. Known to have influenced her husband's newspaper work and in 1919 was the registered proprietor of the Border Chronicle. (South Eastern Times, 26 October 1945, p. 4.)
Campbell, Lance. Joined Advertiser as a cadet journalist under Bob Jervis.
Campbell, Richard. Reporter on the Chronicle.
Campbell, Roland (1858-1942). As a teenager was a Robe correspondent for the Border Watch. Established the Millicent Times in 1891 as a sideline to his general store, but in 1894 persuaded his brother Donald to take over the newspaper so that he could return to farming. (South Eastern Times, 26 October 1945, p. 4.)
Cant, John Birdseye. Worked on Western Australian newspapers in the 1890s. Established the Barossa News at Angaston in 1908.
Carey, Theophilus Skilton (1844-1913). Compositor at the Portland Guardian, then owner/editor of the Mount Gambier Standard in partnership with Edwin Derrington from 1866 to 1874. Founded the Methodist Journal in 1874. From 1884 worked for printers Carey and Page. Between 1890 and 1892 was editor of the national religious newspaper, Australian Christian World then based in Sydney. From 1892 worked at the Launceston Examiner. (Border Watch, 6 August 1913, p. 2.)
Cargill, Henry Christian Wells (c. 1854-1899). Journalist. Sporting reporter 'Vid' at the South Australian Register and wrote a series of leaders (editorials) about the poor of Adelaide in 1882. In 1882 editor of the Lantern. In 1888 at Queensland Figaro. (Kapunda Herald, 9 October 1888, p. 3.)
Carne, Nick. Journalist. Began working at the Advertiser. Editor of Independent Weekly from 2005 to 2006.
Carr, Whitmore Blake (1861-1943). Began work in the literary department of the Register in the 1870s, later working as a Hansard reporter, and in 1893 he became the newspaper's sporting editor, using the pen name 'Tarquin'. He left in 1889 to work in the Stock Exchange for two years, but was again working at the Register in 1904 when given a farewell on the eve of his wedding . Was later a member of the Board of the Advertiser for twelve years. ('Farewell to Tarquin', South Australian Register, 30 May 1904, p. 4; 'Prominent racing man', West Australian, 27 August 1943, p. 4; Critic 10 September 1898, p. 15; 'Death of W.B. Carr,' Advertiser, 27 August 1943, p. 4.)
Carroll, Frank Skeffington (1831-1887). Owner/editor of the Lantern 1878. Jailed for libel in 1879. Copyright infringement charges forced him to sell the Lantern in 1882.
Cawthorne, William Anderson (died 1897). Teacher, artist. Credited as the first to introduce illustrated newspapers for regular sale in Adelaide. Local contributor to the Illustrated Melbourne Post (Adelaide edition) in the 1860s. Published the Review in 1871, and the Australasian Sketcher in 1874. The Australasian Sketcher was originally run by a Melbourne firm, then moved to Sydney. Cawthorne apperaes to have been responsible for the content of the South Australian edition. (Register, 28 September 1897, p. 6.)
Chamberlain, James Joseph (died 1927). Joined the Advertiser as a young man. Joined the News about 1924.
Chamberlain, W. Journalist at the News in the 1920s.
Chandler, Alfred Thomas (1852-1941). Journalist and poet. Began work on Hamilton Spectator, Victoria. Hansard reporter for the Advertiser, then co-founder of Quiz with HC Evans and James Hutchison. Moved to Western Australia in 1894. Editor of the Perth Sunday Times and later of the Perth Sun. Published several collections of poetry. Brother to Charles Chandler.
Chandler, Charles Walter (1861-1936). Journalist. Compositor at the Hamilton Spectator, Victoria, then at Broken Hill as sub-editor of the Silver Miner. Editor of the Port Pirie Standard until July 1893 when he became bankrupt. He next published the scandalous East Torrens Eagle at Norwood in 1893 but was again bankrupt. Published the Free Press between 1894 and 1895, the Freelance from 1896 until 1900, and worked at Quiz in 1903 - which was co-founded by his brother Alfred. In 1900 he published an article in the Freelance suggesting that in one night the Boer War 5th Contingent had entertained 23 women (and a girl) in their tents. He was subsequently sentenced to six months jail for libel. From 1903 to 1907 he was the publisher of Adelaide Truth - which was sold to Reginald Solomon, and eventually to John Norton of the Sydney Truth and Sportsman. Poems by 'Tom Marter' appeared in the 'Darkest Adelaide' sequence in Chandler's Freelance (1900) and also in the Truth newspaper (1903-1907?) but unfortunately no copies of these two newspapers have survived. Tom Marter was probably Chandler himself. In about 1907 Chandler published an expose of Adelaide's dark side, Darkest Adelaide, drawing on a series of articles under this title, which were previously published in Freelance and Truth. Later the same author wrote paragraphs of social, theatrical and sporting commentary, in a satirical tone, for the Critic. In 1922 Chandler is stated to have published a newspaper called The Diggers with Vardon and Sons. This was possibly the Diggers Gazette.
Chandler, Percy (1887-). Sporting editor at the Port Pirie Recorder from 1910 to 1913, then working in Adelaide.
Channon, Trevor. Manager of the Murray Valley Standard, 2012, having started work there in 1977.
Chapman, DH. Journalist at the Port Lincoln Times before and after his Second World War service.
Chapman, William E. (died 1905). Journalist. Journalist at the Register and sub-editor of the Evening Journal 1882-1883. Wrote also as 'Ithuriel'. Then editor of the English newspaper, London. Married to singer, Madame Thayer. (Register, 1 November 1905, p. 7.)
Charlick, Henry (1845-1916). Journalist and chess champion. Joined the Register reporting staff in 1864 when already a champion chess player. Long career as a court reporter. Established the chess column in the Observer in 1868, which he continued to edit after his retirement in 1903, until his death. (Register minutes, 14 June 1889; Register 28 July 1916, p. 5.)
Cheadle, Alfred Stanley (died 1923). Wool salesman. Partner in Strachan, Cheadle and Co. which was later incorporated into Dalgety Ltd. Wrote weekly wool reports for the Register for some years, from as early as 1889. (Register minutes, 1 November 1889; Register, 6 January 1923, p. 12.)
Chewings, Robert Luscombe (Bob) (1926-). Journalist at the South Eastern Times 1948. With wife Joan he purchased the newspaper a few years later.
Childs, Gloria (1918-). Became 'Possum' of the children's letters page at the Mail in 1940, taking over from Irene Gough. She then also took over the women's page when Elizabeth George retired, writing as 'Gloria Kaye.' Left in 1945. Married name Gloria Kimber.
Chinner, John Henry (1865-). Insurance manager, cartoonist. Chinner's output during his long (part-time) career as an artist, was prolific. His first works appeared in a Parkside Methodist Church publication in the 1880s, and a short time later began being published in the Lantern from about 1888. In 1889 he began working for Quiz, and in mid 1898 for the Critic. From 1900 he began working for the Advertiser and its associated titles, the Chronicle and the Express, with a weekly cartoon in the Express between 1904 and 1906. Between 1923 and 1928 the Saturday Journal contained a weekly cariacature for the 'Notable Citizens' series. Occassionally these were re-published in the associated Observer. In 1919, and possibly at other times, his cartoons were published in the Methodist newspaper, the Australian Christian Commonwealth.
Chinner, L. Mervyn. Journalist at the Register from the 1890s. Left in 1915 to join the Victorian Hansard staff. Retired in 1949.
Clancy, PMR. Eyre's Peninsula Tribune.
Clark, Edward J. Journalist and editor. Began work at the Register in 1867 as junior reader's boy. Sub-editor from 1882 to 1891, and appears to have written on a variety of topics. From 1891 editor of the Kadina and Wallaroo Times. (Register minutes, 28 March 1890; Chronicle, 15 August 1891, p. 8; Barrier Miner, 16 July 1891, p. 2; Kadina and Wallaroo Times, 15 August 1891, p. 3.)
Clark, John Howard (1830-1878). Born in Birmingham, arrived in Adelaide in 1850. Established the Adelaide Philosophical Society 1853. Writing for the Christian Advocate 1858. Began writing poetry for the Register as 'Pleeceman X' in the 1860s and also writing for Adelaide's first evening newspaper, the Telegraph. Joined the staff of the Register 1865 as commercial manager, becoming editor and part-owner from 1870. Originator of the much discussed 'Echoes from the bush by Geoffrey Crabthorne', a weekly satirical column of political and social comment in the Register and Observer. (Others, including Spencer John Skipper, were also involved in writing this column, see 'Death of Spencer John Skipper,' Observer, 12 September 1903, p. 25.) The column continued for some years afterwards in a less humorous vein, as 'Echoes and re-echoes.' The Portonian ridiculed the column by referring to 'Geoffrey Boobythorne.' (Register 22 May 1878, pp. 5-6.)
Clark-Nikola, H. Editor of Industrial Solidarity.
Clarke, Arthur H.A. Worked in the office of the Illustrated Adelaide News during the 1870s. (Register, 21 October 1927, p. 3.)
Clarke, William G. Editor of the Australian Christian Commonwealth in 1911.
Clayton, Joan. Journalist at the Mount Barker Courier in 1980.
Cleland, Ernest Davenport. Teetulpa correspondent for the Register 1883, Broken Hill correspondent for various newspapers form 1888 including Register, Sydney Morning Herald and Argus. Editor of the Silver Age, Broken Hill, in 1889. (Kapunda Herald, 11 January 1889, p. 3.)
Clements, Max. Night editor at the Advertiser.
Clifford, Ken. Sub-editor of Adelaide Review 1984.
Clift, Ted. Printer and journalist. Worked at the Agriculturist and Review from 1913. With other country newspapers this became the Northern Review in 1949, which Clift purchased from Lester Judell in 1950.
Clint, Alfred (1843-1924). Artist. Cartoonist at the Lantern 1874. Later worked for Sydney Punch also the Tribune and the Bulletin.
Cockburn, Arthur Benjamin (1859-). Journalist. Worked at Register, and was at Advertiser by 1878. In 1884 went to the Melbourne Argus. In 1895 he was working in Sydney as a secretary.
Cockburn, Kirsty. Journalist. Joined the Advertiser as cadet journalist under Bob Jervis. Daughter of Stewart Cockburn.
Cockburn, Peter (died 1940). Journalist at the Register and then the Advertiser for a combined period of 18 years.
Cockburn, Rodney (1877-1932). Journalist at the Register for 20 years before becoming a Hansard report in 1914 when South Australian Parliament ceased to tender this work to the Advertiser and Register. (Advertiser, 29 September 1932, p. 16.)
Cockburn, Stewart (1921-2009). Journalist, author. Began work as a copy boy at the Advertiser in 1938. Moved to the Melbourne Herald and later worked in London for Reuters. Returned to the Advertiser in the 1970s where his investigative journalism into the conviction of Edward Splatt saw a Royal Commission and Splatt's release. Locked horns with Premier Don Dunstan.
Cockington, Frank (died 1930). Reporter based at the Advertiser's Port Adelaide office from 1890 to 1898, then began a printing business in 1898. Editor of the Port Adelaide News from 1900 to 1902. Printer of the Citizen. (Chronicle, 14 August 1930, p. 20)
Colebatch, Howard Patheshall (Hal) (1872-1953). Began training for journalism at the Norwood Free Press 1885. Then from 1887 at Petersburg Times and the Laura Standard. Reporter at the Port Pirie Advocate and then to Broken Hill in 1888 at the Barrier Miner followed by the Silver Age for six years, becoming chief reporter. In 1895 to Western Australia to the Coolgardie Golden Age, then the Kalgoorlie Miner and in 1896 moved to the Perth Morning Herald, becoming editor. Took over the Northern Advertiser in Western Australia, the state's largest provincial newspaper in 1905. Entered Western Australian Parliament in 1912 and became Premier in 1919. (News, 3 February 1928, p. 8; Times (Peterborough), 16 December 1932, p. 2; Recorder, 23 March 1940, p. 3.)
Coleman, Dudley. Journalist at the Mount Barker Courier 1936 to 1938.
Collins, John Burrough (died 1892). Builder and journalist. Opened building business at Port Pirie in 1875. Established the Jamestown Review in 1878 and was editor for three years. Between 1881 to 1883 sub-editor at the Register. Journalist at Agriculturist and Review. 1885 to 1892 sub-editor at the Ballarat Star. (Register, 13 September 1892, p. 3; Port Pirie Standard, 15 September 1892, p. 2.)
Collison, Charles Nicholas (1845-1929). Reporter at the Register 1870s, for a total of ten years, before turning to farming and a partnership in a firm of patent and estate agents with JF Conigrave. (Chronicle, 5 March 1870, pp. 9-10; Chronicle, 16 May 1929, p. 35.)
Collison, Marcus. Took over the anti-Roman Catholic newspaper, Australiana, in 1845, which he re-named South Australian Witness.
Colquhoun, Des (died 2006). Journalist. Joined Advertiser as a copy boy 1947 and spent his whole working life with them. From 1959 with the Advertiser's bureaux in Melbourne, then from 1962 London and New York. Returned to Adelaide in 1966 as editorial manager of the Advertiser, also day editor and night editor. From 1970 editor-in-chief and chairman of directors of Australian Associated Press. Resigned from full-time work in 1980, but continued to write an enormously popular column for many years afterwards. (Advertiser, Review section, pp. 4-5; City Messenger, 22 June 2006, pp. 4-5.)
Colquhoun, Lachlan (b.1962). Journalist. Son of Des Colquhoun. Editor of Adelaide Review 2007-2009.
Conigrave, John Fairfax (1843-1920). Joined Register as apprentice in the literary department 1858. Left to begin a land agent business with CN Collison. (Register, 2 July 1920, p. 6)
Congreve, Henry John (c.1829-1918). Varied career as farmer, preacher and journalist. In 1852 became editor of the Inglewood Advertiser, Victoria, and contributed to the Australasian. Returned to South Australia and became editor of the Gawler Standard, and then of the Bunyip. Also contributor to the Observer and Chronicle. (Register, 12 July 1918, p. 4.)
Connolly, Mary. Journalist at the News in 1931.
Connor, Jenny (Born 1948). Journalist. Began work at the Advertiser as a copy girl, progressing to cadet and finally A Grade journalist from 1966 to 1970. Moved into television 1973, producing the news at NWS9 (Adelaide) and GTV9 (Melbourne). Set up the English news for SABC TV (Johannesburg) when they first went to air. In 2015 working from Queensland as producer of wildlife documentaries.
Cook, William Moxon (1857-1917). Joined the Register at the age of 13 in 1858, under the editorship of his uncle, John Howard Clark. After leaving to work for the Central Road Board in 1874, Cook returned to the newspaper in 1883 and took over as sporting editor from DM Magill, writing as 'Trumpator'. From 1892 he spent 25 years as sporting editor of the Australasian, Melbourne, writing as 'Terlinga'. He also wrote for the Melbourne Argus. ('Death of Mr W.M. Cook, prominent sporting writer', Register, 21 December 1917, p. 6)
Cooke, HG. Journalist at the News 1929.
Coombe, Ephraim Henry (1858-1917). From 1888 wrote as the Wollaston correspondent for the Register, for a period of twenty years, also a Hansard reporter for the Register at one time. Editor of the Gawler Bunyip from 1890 to 1915, then briefly the editor of the Daily Herald. Also editor of the S.A. Institutes Journal. Elected to Parliament 1901. (Critic, 19 February 1898, p. 20 A; Register, 6 April 1917, p. 6.)
Cooper, Ethel (1888-1970). 'Madame Wu's replies: will your wish come true?' was the title of three pages of psychic replies to readers' requests, written by Ethel Cooper in the Observer shortly before that newspaper closed in 1931. In response to readers' requests, Madame Wu gave individual predictions, printed in her column. When the Register and Observer were taken over by the Advertiser in 1931, Madame Wu went on to compile the women's pages of the Chronicle until 1937.
Cooper, Lindsay. Journalist at the Register, night overseer in 1891.
Coorey, Philip. Journalist. New York correspondent for News Ltd. 2003-2004. Political editor at the Advertiser, then chief political correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald, and now the Australian Financial Review. (2015.)
Coote, Christopher. Editor of the Port Lincoln Times from 2007.
Cordes, Neville A.M. Founder, owner and editor of the Islander (Kangaroo Island).
Cordes, R.C. The Islander.
Cornes, Nicole. Columnist for the Advertiser prior to standing for Federal Parliament in 2007.
Cornwall, Deborah. Journalist. Junior reporter at the News from May 1985 covering a variety of subjects form real estate to state politics. Joined the Advertiser in 1987 writing general daily news and features, moving to state politics. Sydney Morning Herald from October 1989.
Corrie, Arthur Pitman. Preacher and editor. Worked at Illawarra Mercury, then founded the Renmark Pioneer in 1892. Later trained as a Salvation Army officer, and was stationed in Queensland.
Corrigan, Thomas. Printer and newspaper publisher. Established the short-lived Ardrossan News, 1911.
Cotter, Thomas Young. Doctor. For a short time editor of James Allen's South Australian Magazine.
Cotton, George Witherage (1821-1892). Landbroker and estate agent, MP. Prolific letter writer in the press, and early editor of the Methodist Journal.
Cowan, James. Politician and businessman. In partnership with Fred Grey established the Port Pirie Standard in 1889.
Cowley, Rev AE. Editor of the Australian Christian Commonwealth in 1939.
Cox, William Caddy. First Government Printer. Cox published the short-lived Adelaide Guardian newspaper in November 1839 with George Milner Stephen, and then the Adelaide Chronicle in December 1839 with OK Richardson and James Bennett. Became government printer in 1849.
Craig, Marina. Journalist at the Advertiser 1970s-1990s.
Craigie, Edward John (1871-1966). Moonta businessman, councillor and parliamentary candidate (1910) and elected member (1930). Prolific writer of letters and articles published in the Kadina and Wallaroo Times, and People's Weekly for decades through the middle of the 20th century. Secretary of the Single-Tax League (1930). Wrote for the Local Option Reformer, a newsletter promoting restrictions on hotels selling alcohol, published by the People's Weekly (Moonta) in 1906.
Craker, Harry (1855-1931. Worked at Border Watch in the 1880s, publisher of Sporting Life in 1909.
Crawford, JH. Journalist at the Advertiser 1878.
Critchley, PJ. Owner/editor of the Crystal Brook Times from 1913 to 1917.
Crozier-Magee, William. Journalist at the Port Pirie Recorder.
Cudmore, Michael. Political columnist at the Advertiser 1960s.
Culshaw, Tamara. Editorial staff at Messenger Press, 1988.
Curnow, Lee. Editor of the Naracoorte Herald from late 2010, and of the associated Coastal Leader. Nephew to previous owner of the Herald, Richard Peake.
Cutlack, F.M. Journalist. Worked at the Register in the first years of the twentieth century. From 1907 edited the literary column under the pen name 'Credo'.