Places: South Australia illustrated
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Listing for term 'exploration'
The maritime portion of South Australia |
Carte generale de la Terre Napoleon [map] |
The River Murray above Moorundi |
Bejah searched for water |
Decision to abandon outfit and collections |
Wells and Jones leave on side trip |
Poor camel feed |
Shallow watercourse seen |
Saw crows and footprints |
Six camels reported ill |
Still some four days from Joanna Springs |
Some camel feed found |
A few drops of rain fell |
The expedition nears Joanna Spring |
Wells walks 12 miles with a half pint of cold tea |
Eyre climbs Mount Distance |
Mt Hopeless is climbed |
Eyre describes the extent of the salt lake |
Eyre describes Lake Torrens |
Eyre decides to turn back |
Wylie: Edward Eyre's companion |
Eyre's track in 1840-41 |
Australian exploring expedition in the scrub |
The burden of leadership |
Queen Victoria Springs discovered |
The explorers had a bath |
Conflict of interest with another expedition |
Gibson continues on alone |
The last day Giles saw Gibson |
Giles staggers on with a water keg |
Giles reaches safety after parting from Gibson |
Giles and Tietkens set out to look for Gibson |
The search is called off |
Babbage finds Coulthard's body |
Separation Well and cache of meat: diary 26 May 18 |
Insufficient firewood to boil the billy : diary 27 |
Kilroy returns alone : letter 8 September 1846 |
Gill sketched the country : letter 8 September 184 |
Horrocks decides to use a camel : letter 8 Septemb |
Horrocks sets out with Gill and Kilroy : letter 8 |
Horrocks terminates the expedition : letter 8 Sept |
The expedition waits for their gear to dry |
No rain in night but heavy overcast : diary entry |
The ridges are big and irregular on top : diary en |
An excellent harbour is found |
Field and Pullen each explore the inlet |
Light again explores the inlet |
Light begins his search for the harbour |
Light considers ranges would produce rain |
Light continues down the coast |
Patawalonga River discovered |
Onkaparinga mouth is examined |
Abundant grass and plentiful water |
Another channel to the creek discovered |
The prospects ahead looked good |
Sturt considers whether to explore the creek |
Sturt decides to continue to the north |
The prospect ahead is cheerless |
The men and horses are exhausted |
Salt water creek and sand-hills |
The sand ridges rose higher and higher |
Symptoms of scurvy among the men |
Condition of the horses to be considered |
Spinifex and interminable ridges of sand |
Sturt turns back from the desert |
Terra Australis charted |
Cape Northumberland charted |
Strangways and Hutchinson set out |
Currency Creek is discovered |
The boat is stove in by a snag |
Hindmarsh Island is named |
The expedition turns back |
Night travelling over poor country |
How to cook a camel |
A camel foot needs to be boiled for 36 hours |
Charley locates water |
Charley is praised for his efforts |
Warburton barters for fresh meat |
Emerald Spring discovered |
Burtt is sent out to link up with Warburton's main |
Burtt finds a path through the horseshoe lake |
Lewis describes Lake Eyre as useless |
Map of Lake Eyre |
Goyder finds luxuriant grass and an extensive lake |
Freeling attempts to float a boat |
Misconceptions of the fertility of the land |
Hack finds good pastures west of Lake Gairdner |
Summary of work done |
Lindsay continues his summary |
Expedition reaches Skirmish Hill |
Expedition reaches Moses Creek |
LA Wells' report of his side trip, 14 to 17 July |
Wells continues his report of his side trip |
Camel dies from eating poisonous vegetation |
Queen Victoria Springs is dried up |
The search for Bryan |
Report of an expedition to Lake Alexandrina |
Geology of country bordering Lake Alexandrina |
Junction of the supposed Darling with the Murray |
Planting the flag on the shore of the Indian Ocean |
Central Mt Stuart |
Stuart's path is blocked by a marsh |
The north coast of Australia is reached |
The flag is raised at Chambers Bay |
Memorandum on Central Mount Sturt |
Discovery of Ayers Rock: diary 19 July 1873 |
The most wonderful natural feature ever seen: diar |
Ayers Rock |
McKinlay decides to build a punt |
The expedition reaches Escape Cliffs |
McKinlay's route from Adam Bay to the East Alligat |
Swinden's diary |
South Australia appears on the world map |
Stuart's Glandfield Lagoon: diary 25 May 1861 |
Confrontation with Aboriginal men: diary 26 May 18 |
Woodforde compelled to fire: diary entry 26 May 18 |
Stuart continues to search for a path forward |
Ayers Rock discovered and named |
Gosse continues his diary |
Sea mouth of the Murray |
Junction of the Murray and Lake Alexandrina |
South Australia at the time of settlement |
Model handbook for explorers |
The members of the expedition |
Objectives of the expedition |
Starting point for the expedition |
Previously discovered permanent waters |
Return route and search for Leichhardt: instructio |
Tree blazing and mapping instructions |
Stores, provisions and correspondence |
Instructions to the second officer and the surveyo |
Spelling of Aboriginal words |
Pronunciation of Aboriginal words |
Report of a voyage from Sydney to Kangaroo Island |
Water easy to find by digging |
Abundant fish and a good harbour |
The island is fertile and well wooded |
Salt is produced in abundance |
Climate of Kangaroo Island |
Aboriginal women taken from the mainland |
Australia begins to appear on the world map |
Terra Australis nondum cognita |
Pacific Ocean |
James Cook |
Tasman's ships Zeehaen and Heemskerck |
Kangaroo Island emu |
Flinders map of South Australia |
Westall's view of Kangaroo Island |
Flinders meets le Geographe |
Baudin's activities before the meeting |
Flinders explains his geographical findings |
Peron claims Terre Napoleon |
Flinders denies Peron's claims |
Flinders believes Peron was over-ruled |
Flinders continues his survey |
Flinders names Encounter Bay |
Terre Napoleon |
Flinders names restored |
Coastal profiles of South Australia |
Three explorers set out |
Walking on a salt lake |
Australia circumnavigated: General chart of Terra |
East side of St. Vincents Gulf |
Special surveys in South Australia |
Plan of Overland Telegraph Line |
Water at last |
36 hours without water |
Christmas for the explorers |
Ross reaches Central Mount Stuart |
On Stuart's tracks |
Stuart's Central Mt Sturt |
Ascending Mount Sturt |
Sir Douglas Mawson |
Horrocks' Expedition |
In the Musgrave Ranges |
Mt Unapproachable or Mt Harris? |
Aboriginal names or European? |
Mt Gambier climbed |
Rivoli Bay surveyed |
Grey's wallaby |
Horses are daily weaker |
Discovery of garnets |
Explorers dig for water |
Grave of a white man found |
McKinlay finds other traces of Burke and Wills |
Horn expedition at Bagot's Creek |
Horn expedition finds plenty of water |
Horn expedition scientific staff well satisfied |
Grey's route |
Mackay Expedition map |
Chart of Cape Jervis |
Corroberribera |
Elizabeth Creek |
Pernatty Creek |
Coulthard found |
Pernatty Creek and sand cliffs |
On Stuart's Creek |
Emerald Spring |
Emerald Spring described |
Lake Torrens country |
Babbage's map |
This country is a perfect desert |
Stuart's route to the Hugh |
MacDonnell Ranges to Kekwick's Ponds |
Unknown north |
Stuart's route to the north |
Simpson Desert explorations |
Murat Bay charted |
Burtt's path through the lake |
Sandringham Station misplaced on the maps |
Disruptive camels and dry wells |
Hay River gum flats |
Aerial views of the Mulligan and Simpson Desert |
Sturt's explorations |
Pass in Rowe's Creek |
Sir Joseph Banks |
Chaining over the sandhills to Lake Torrens |
Jimmy locates water |
Nature of the interior |
Sturt seeks an inland sea |
Sturt's letter to Morphett |
Sturt recognised by Aboriginal men |
Sturt means to uncover the interior |
Has Poole found the inland sea? |
Eyre's concept of the interior |
Advantage of Aboriginal guides to explorers |
Naming of Flinders Ranges |
Objects of exploration |
Navigating at sea |
Navigating on land |
Daily meteorological observations |
Incentive to explore Australia |
Banks suggests Mungo Park to explore Australia |
Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller |
The expedition starts out |
Explorers toast the Queen's birthday |
Australia must have a great river |
Mystery of the unknown south coast |
Flinders' instructions |
Details of explorations to be recorded |
Survey Torres Strait |
The plant cabin |
Conclusion of Flinders' instructions |
Elder Exploration Expedition setting out |
Blazed tree at Mt. Cooper |
Near Lake Deborah |
Forrest Rock Hole |
Creek in the Everard Range |
Ayers Rock (Uluru), Central Australia |
Colson's Expedition across the Simpson Desert |
Bejah and Warrior |
Aunger drives a Dort across river |
Ayers Rock |
Carte generale de la Terre Napoleon |
The maritime portion of South Australia |
James Cook |
Kangaroo Island emu |
Kangaroo Island emu |
Channel of Cooper Creek discovered |
Australia must have a great river |
Frome's instructions to surveyors |
Chaining over the sandhills to Lake Torrens |
Climate of Kangaroo Island |
Flinders' instructions |
Condition of the horses to be considered |
Details of explorations to be recorded |
Mr. Eyre decides to turn back |
Mr. Eyre describes Lake Torrens |
Mr. Eyre describes the extent of the salt lake |
Eyre's expedition leaves Adelaide |
Mr. Eyres concept of the interior |
Mr. Eyres expedition leaves Adelaide |
Field and Pullen each explore the inlet |
Horrocks' expedition: letter 8 September 1846 |
The maritime portion of South Australia |
Carte generale de la Terre Napoleon |
Tasman's ships Zeehaen and Heemskerck |
Terra Australis nondum cognita |
Pacific Ocean |
Australia begins to appear on the world map |
South Australia appears on the world map |
Australia circumnavigated: General chart of Terra |
Part of South Australia [cartographic material] |
Flinders map of South Australia |
Scene on the Coorung near Lake Albert |
View from Mount Lofty across the Adelaide Plains |
Kangaroo Island emu |
Pass in Rowe's Creek |
Junction of the supposed Darling with the Murray |
Nature of the interior |
The River Murray above Moorundi |
Salt water creek and sand-hills |
Sturt recognised by Aboriginal men |
Map of Captn. Sturt's route from Adelaide into the |
The River Murray, near Lake Alexandrina |
The search for Bryan |
Abundant fish and a good harbour |
Chart of Cape Jervis |
Geology of country bordering Lake Alexandrina |
Greys wallaby |
Junction of the Murray and Lake Alexandrina |
Light continues down the coast |
Mt Hopeless is climbed |
Report of an expedition to Lake Alexandrina |
Part of Southern Australia from 132 to 141 degrees |
Light considers ranges would produce rain |
Mr. Eyres routes into Central Australia, and overl |
Research yacht Penola under sail |
Two of Rymill's dogs |
De Havilland Fox Moth on the sea ice |
Map of Graham Land 1928 |
Climate of Kangaroo Island |
Eyre climbs Mount Distance |
Flinders names restored |
S.E. extremity of South Australia to illustrate Go |
Lacepede Bay depicted |
Murat Bay charted |
South Australia appears on the world map |
The River Murray, near Lake Alexandrina |
Wylie: Edward Eyre's companion |
Flinders names Encounter Bay |
Diary of Young Bingham Hutchinson |
Henry Hawson |
Map shewing the special surveys in South Australia |
Prewitt's Springs |
Scene in Adelaide |
View of Narien Range |
View of the Gulph [sic] and the Port from the hill |
Frome Bridge |
Australia, map featuring SA and the 'horseshoe' |
Australia, map from surveys made by order of the B |
Crater of an extinct volcano |
Encampment |
Gawler Town |
Glen Osmond Toll House, near Adelaide |
Halting Place at the Cavern, Rowe's Creek |
Hendersons Creek (dry) |
Narien Range |
Preparing to start |
Wallaby Springs |
Weeping tree |
Light considers ranges would produce rain |
Diary of William Webster Hoare |
Scrapbook of Northern Australia |
S.A. Northern Pioneers: John McDouall Stuart |
S.A. Northern Pioneers: F.W. Thring |
Corroberribera |
Pernatty Creek and sand cliffs |
Crater of Mount Schank |
Sturt's letter to Morphett |
Sketch of the country north of Mount Remarkable [S |
Fitzroy Gold Fields, Port Curtis showing the route |
Plan of the settled districts of South Australia |
Corroberribera |
Pernatty Creek and sand cliffs |
Journal of Edward Dowsett (pages 1-8) |
Australian exploring expedition in the scrub |
Cape Northumberland charted |
Central Mt Stuart |
Uluru (Ayers Rock) |
Crater of Mount Schank |
Journal of Edward Dowsett (pages 9-18) |
The continent revealed |
Reedy Creek |
Black Rock Hills |
Pass in Rowe's Creek |
Pass in Rowe's Creek [sketch] |
Eagle's Nest Hills |
River near Mount Serle |
Mr Poole's, Glen Osmond near Adelaide |
Glen Osmond new road, near Adelaide |
Pasmore River |
Ridleys Steam Mill near Adelaide |
Devil's Glen |
Mundys Valley, Mount Bryan |
Drive through the Scrub (Hawker and Henderson) |
Black Rock Hills depot |
Part of the Black Rock Hills |
Distant view of Reaping Hook Hill |
Smoker's Valley |
A stormy night in the bush |
Chase of a kangaroo |
Bank of South Australia [North Terrace] |
Rapid Bay (cliffs and coastline) |
Calypso's Grotto, Rapid Bay |
Valley of the Inman [River] |
Rapid Bay |
Plan of Overland Telegraph Line |
Flinders map of South Australia |
Babbage's map |
Burtt's path through the lake |
Elizabeth Creek |
Emerald Spring |
Emerald Spring described |
Lake Torrens country |
On Stuart's Creek |
Pernatty Creek |
Pernatty Creek and sand cliffs |
Walking on a salt lake |
MacDonnell Ranges to Kekwick's Ponds |
Memorandum on Central Mount Sturt |
Planting the flag on the shore of the Indian Ocean |
Stuart's route to the Hugh |
Stuart's route to the north |
Unknown north |
Charley is praised for his efforts |
Map of Lake Eyre |
Model handbook for explorers |
Getting to know the Antarctic: Discovery's trip |
Discovery of Ayers Rock [Uluru]: diary 19 July 187 |
Report from E J Eyre, Feb 1842 |
Report from E J Eyre, Feb 1842 |
Hume River (Murray River) discovered |
Hume and Hovell's marked tree |
Sturt describes his whaleboat |
Assistance from Aboriginal peoples |
Sturt charts the river |
Murray mouth |
Junction of the Darling and Murray |
Barker's expedition |
Barker Monument, Mt. Barker |
Gawler's expedition up the Murray |
Colonel George Gawler |
Who discovered Lake Alexandrina |
Public dinner to Mr Hawdon |
Memorandum on Central Mount Sturt |
Lacepede Bay depicted |
From hope to tragedy |
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